The eyes have it: Plastic surgery surgery there is common

Dr. Julia MacRae

All the recent discussion about elections, votes, and re-counts can make one want to close their eyes and forget all the “ayes” and “nays.”

But unlike the affirmative vote “aye”, the “eyes” cannot easily be disregarded. They are the most expressive part of the body, and a very important part of beauty.

Have you ever been lost in the chocolate gaze of a lover, blushed at the flutter of feathery eyelashes or smiled at the sparkle of a joyful glance?

For centuries, women have recognized the power of the eyes, and have used makeup to accentuate and decorate the eyes.

In Renaissance Italy, women used to place drops of belladonna into their eyes to make them appear more attractive. Belladonna, also known as “deadly nightshade,” is one of the most toxic plants in the world. Eating even a small quantity of the leaves or berries can be fatal.

When extracted, refined, and dropped into the eye, however, it causes the pupil to dilate, mimicking a state of arousal.

The modern equivalent is using solution on the eyelids to cause the eyelashes to grow longer and thicker. Bimatropost is a medication prescribed for glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye). An interesting side effect was noted, which was that patients’ eyelashes grew longer.

The medication is now sold for cosmetic use as Latisse, and is available by prescription. It can take a couple of months to see a difference because the existing eyelashes have to cycle out before the medication can work on the newly grown lashes.

The lashes will return to normal after the medication is stopped. Latisse usually costs around $120 for a one-month supply.

In plastic surgery, eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty) has consistently been in the top five cosmetic procedures performed by board certified plastic surgeons. Removing excess skin and fat around the eyes not only give a more alert, youthful appearance to the eyes, but it can also improve vision in cases where the excess skin is actually blocking the line of sight.

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) of the upper or lower eyelids is most often performed for cosmetic reasons, although in some cases it can be covered by insurance.

If the upper eyelid blocks the vision, a visual field test can document how severe the ptosis (eyelid droop) is and support medical necessity for the surgery. Decreased visual field can be due to either stretching and weakening of the eyelid muscles, causing the lid to droop, or the more common skin looseness and excess seen with aging that blocks vision.

Sometimes the lower eyelid becomes so loose with age that it no longer sits tightly against the eyeball, leading to chronic tearing, redness and irritation of the eyes. This is another medically necessary reason to perform blepharoplasty surgery.

Even if insurance doesn’t cover the surgery, blepharoplasty can relieve the tired, heavy feeling of the upper lids and bring a fresh, awake appearance to the face. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of the surgery alone nationwide (not including anesthesia or facility fees) is $2,874, although this can vary highly based on the location of the practice and the complexity of the procedure.

Like any surgical procedure, there are risks to eyelid surgery, but serious complications are very rare.

There are a few things you can do to avoid complications after eyelid surgery. It is important to tell your surgeon if you suffer from dry eyes prior to surgery, because blepharoplasty can make it worse.

Smoking increases the chances of wound healing problems, so it is important to quit smoking for at least one month before and after any elective surgery.

Your plastic surgeon may also ask you to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, prior to surgery. Your plastic surgeon will review with you all the possible risks of surgery and how to avoid them.

Eyelid surgery can be done under general anesthesia or awake with sedation and/or local anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure, and recovery is usually just a few days.

Icing the eyelids for the first day can minimize the risk of bruising, and post-operative pain is minimal. Sutures are usually removed in 5-7 days. The scars are hidden in the natural creases of the eye area and fade to nearly invisible.

Whether for improving vision, relieving the heaviness, or looking more alert, eyelid surgery is an effective procedure with quick recovery time.

When it’s time to vote “aye” or “nay,” clearly the “eyes” have it!

Dr. Julia MacRae is a board certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing in Newark since 2003. She earned her medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine and did plastic surgical training at the University of Virginia. She is affiliated with Christiana Care Health System. She speaks Spanish. She can be reached at or go to